Cannerby Lane
Cannerby Lane had until the 1950s being nothing more than a track leading across a rather infertile area of sandy soil and making an end on connection with Corbet Avenue making it possible to walk from Wroxham Road through to Mousehold Lane. Prior to the start of the housebuilding programme in the 1950s there had only been a few cottages at the Wroxham Road end of the lane although it was also the site of the British Legion as the local populace knew it hut. The residential development was to bring about the demise of the pond on Cannerby Lane which explains why the parade of shops is built in a semicircle around the green as this had originally been the pond. Despite filling it in the ground was anything other than stable so construction work took place on the stable ground around the periphery of the site. With the conversion of the Beehive Public House into a co-operative shop somehow things have gone full circle as when the shops were first built there was both a Co-Operative Supermarket and Butchers. By the early 1950s with the growing population of Sprowston there was an urgent need for more school places and Cannerby Lane was chosen as the site for a new Secondary Modern School which was later to become the High School. The first construction on the site was a purpose-built block for woodwork, metal work and domestic science with lessons being divided between the two sites until the rest of the school was ready in 1962. The road has remained much as it was since the 1960s although the school has doubled in size and there has been the normal change of shop owners expected over this period. Throughout this time the one constant seems to have been the "Beehive Butchery". One can truthfully say with a range of shops provide the local population with all the necessities of life as envisaged at the outset.