Organisations and clubs
What's in the gallery?
A selection of clubs and organisations in the Sprowston area. This is a far from exhaustive list, the many that are missing need people to come forward with details and if possible, photos. Any additions to this collection would be welcome. Contact details can be found on the Home Page.
Black Horse Fishing Club seemingly ready for going to a fishing match in the 1940s. Note should be taken how basic the equipment was, rod, small tackle bag and everyday clothing. Perhaps they felt good weather was guaranteed.
Sprowston Heritage Launch Evening at the Community High School in Cannerby Lane 1999.
Charles Harrold (left) and Peter Sneddon (right) addressing the audience at the Sprowston Heritage Launch in 1999.
Inaugural meeting of Sprowston Heritage September 1999.
Inaugural meeting of Sprowston Heritage at the High school 1999.
Heritage exhibition at the annual Sprowston Fete held on the Recreation Ground. 2001.
Sprowston High School, Nicky at the High School Archive Club where members spent hours uploading information provided by Sprowston residents.
Sprowston Heritage Tapestry Display at Norwich Cathedral. The 2000s.
Members at the British Legion Club meeting in the clubroom on the corner of Cannerby Lane
30th Norwich Scouts: Successful Team 1944.
Sprowston Youth Centre Football Team, 1962.
Girl Scouts outside the Methodist Church 1960s.
Mr and Mrs Walker at the Christmas Dinner 1961 at the Senior Citizens Club on Wroxham Road.
Sprowston Lads Brigade at the Cenotaph in London.1930’s.
Chinese Cantonese speaking Methodist Church group 1980s.
Sprowston Parish Councillors 2000.
'Off to Switzerland' 1969 Sea Scouts at Thorpe Station.
Sea Scouts Performance - The 1950s.
Sea Scouts Performance - The 1950s.
Charles Harrold - Church Youth Fellowship The 1940s.
British Legion March passing the Methodist Church on Cozens Hardy Road.
Sprowston Youth Club tour of Manchester. The late 1940s.
Scout Visit to Rackheath Aerodrome. The 1940s.
British Legion Club bar at Cannerby Lane premises. The 1950s.
The boys brigade outside the Methodist Church 1960s.
Sprowston Working Men's Club held at Sprowston Vicarage.
Scout Visit to the USAF airfield at Hardwick? The 1940s.
Sprowston Women's Institute Christmas Meeting in Fancy Dress. The 1980s.
Sprowston Old People's Welfare Club, Wroxham Road - Social History. The 1950s.
Sprowston Old People's Welfare Club, Wroxham Road: membership and future needs. The 1950s.
The Founder and Original Scoutmaster of the 30th Norwich Scout Troop. The 1990s.
Sprowston Boys Brigade. Date 1931. Back Row – L to R No.6 Jack Pointer, second row – 3rd from right Bertie Hayward. Others not known.
Sprowston Church Play at St Andrew's Hall - Church Youth Fellowship. The 1950s.
Sprowston 'B' Team, Senior Citizens: John Cowell Cup Winners, 1973. Senior Citizens Club.
Sprowston Senior Citizens Club Ladies on a trip to see My Fair Lady at Drury Lane in the late 1950s.
Party at Coughtrey Close to celebrate the wedding of Prince Charles to Princess Diana. Mrs Normington was President of the Womens Institute.
Sprowston Youth Club Football Team 1945/46? Smith, Goodson, Young, Crisp, Roll, Ottaway, Codling, Green, Smith, Pointer, Burman, Ramsbottom.
Sprowston Cricket Club team members. L to R standing Walter Richards, Richard Thacker, Harry Wright, Cecil Gowing, Mr. Harvey, Stanley Fowler, Lesley Gowing, kneeling Danny Fowler, Michael Falcon, Bob Guymer, Charlie Wegg and Jimmy Guymer. 1931
Florida Shoe Factory Bowls Club. 1970s
A Tom Smiths Staff Social Club event in the 1970s.
Blue Boar Lane Playgroup’s Nativity play was held at Sprowston Junior school in December 1970 / 1971.The lady on the left is Elsie Jermy and the shepherd (dark cloak, wearing striped head dress) standing to the right is Graeme Leggett (mother Judy Leggett helped with the playgroup).
Blue Boar Lane Playgroup visit by Fire Engine Eastern Evening News Monday 15th June 1970 reported. ‘Members of a play group which meets at the Boulton and Paul pavilion in Blue Boar Lane today received instruction on firefighting from members of the Norwich Fire Service the under 5s wearing helmets are being helped to hold the hose by Fireman Harvey The children also were shown a film.’
Sprowston Mothers Union outing 1991 The following names are known. At back Mark Aitkin(Vicar) Mrs Huntly, Elanor Reeves, Ruby Middleton, Betty Chaplin 4th from L front row, Elsie Woodcock, Dorothy Stewart, Shirley Welsh, Mrs Mitchel, Minie Rolfe, Marion Ferguson, Barbara Hunt, Olive Jackson, Connie Minns far L front, Jean Henderson, Anne ?, Muriel Duffield, Ruth Saunders.