Earliest settlement
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The finds—which alas, are sparse—can only give a meagre clue as to the lives of the often nomadic people who lived in the area. Despite research by various historians, who without recourse to any form of records, can only base the peoples lives on conjecture.
There have been numerous finds documented in the Sprowston area, many of which date back to the pre-Roman period.
Ice Age
Since the last Ice Age, which shaped the Norfolk landscape, the earliest activity of man is in the Mesolithic Period 10000 – 4001 BC. Flaked Flint Axe Head was discovered in Sprowston.
Neolithic Period
The Neolithic Period 4000 – 2351 BC, two more polished Axe Heads and one more Flaked Axe Head as well as a worked object (Polished Stone).
Beaker Period
The Beaker Period 2300 – 1700 BC, there have been two finds, a Flint Dagger with a short handle and a Barbed Tongued Flint Arrow Head.
Bronze Age Period
The Bronze Age Period 2350 – 701 BC, there have been only two finds, a Bronze Arrow Head and a Bronze Age Burial Site. (Near the Parish Church).
Iron Age Period
The Iron Age Period 800 – 41 BC, has produced only two finds, a Pot and Pot Boiler.
Roman Period
With the start of the last Millennium we enter the Roman Period 43 – 409 AD, there are six finds.
- Four Roman Coins.
- One Roman Pot.
- One Strap Fitting.
Pagan Period
In the Pagan Saxon Period 411 – 650 AD, there are two items, a Dress Component and a Furniture Fitting.
Saxon Period
Mid Saxon Period 651 – 850 AD, the finds are a Box, a Dress Component and a Furniture Fitting.
Late Saxon Period 851 – 1066 AD, there are just two items which were Stirrups.